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SEND Training Sessions

We are partnering with Meridian Trust to deliver two FREE SEND training courses in the summer term. 

Confirm your place here

Meeting SEND needs through high quality teaching and reasonable adjustments in the classroom

22nd May 2024, 3:45 – 5:15 PM

Led by Amy Wright and Victoria Bowyer

This session aims to bust the myth of the ‘magic wand’ and support staff to feel more confident in applying HQT strategies to support learners with SEND.

It will cover the graduated approach, EEF research and provide practical suggestions to use in the classroom.

Aimed at classroom teachers, HLTAs, cover supervisors, SENCOs, senior leaders and head teachers.


Parental Communications with parents/carers with SEND children or emerging SEND needs

5th June 2024, 3:30 – 5:30 PM
Face-to-face, Location TBC

Led by Amy Wright, Victoria Bowyer and Kathy Bacon

This session aims to equip participants with a baseline understanding of how to conduct a conversation, manage expectations, potential challenges that could arise and ongoing relationships with parents/carers to ensure a long-term communication channel is open and trusted.

It will provide a structure for those new to contacting parents to provide consistency and confidence in their interactions.

Aimed at anyone who could be contacting parents/carers. This includes classroom teachers, HLTAs, cover supervisors, SENCOs, senior leaders, head teachers and trainees.

Confirm your place here