C&P Teaching School Hub re-designated for 4 more years, from 2024-28!
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Our new school website has launched and we are very happy with it. A revamp was much needed. Thank you to @JuniperEd for your hard work and patience https://t.co/49FFgBAKJJ
To celebrate National Storytelling Week we asked librarians to share their ideas and resources to support storytelling in the classroom. Take a look at the article here:https://t.co/GNEmN0utD3 #Storytelling #NaitonalStorytellingWeek #Libraries #SchoolResources https://t.co/tHqUeX1vH5
Our Managing Staff Absences in Schools Webinar is now online! Learn practical strategies from our education HR experts to manage staff absences and improve staff well-being in schools. ️Watch Now: https://t.co/AYL5Fw8GN8 #ManagingSchoolAbsenses #Webinar #SchoolAbsences https://t.co/71QRcD6ZJL
It’s important to talk about mental health and to include children and teenagers in the conversation too. This Children’s Mental Health Week, Place2Be have put together a hub of free resources and activities. See more here: https://t.co/MI2MZOMajU #ChildrensMentalHealthWeek https://t.co/kbBBhNPKm1
Today marks the start of National Storytelling Week! Stories play a vital part in how we learn and explore new cultures and experiences. From word of mouth to written word, today we’re celebrating storytelling in all its forms! #NationalStorytellingWeek #Stories https://t.co/VAw2F8wJbn
We’re proud to have been able to offer our services and help Hornchurch Academy Trust overcome its education financial challenges. With Juniper Education, Hornchurch had access to a fully remote support and training service, a help desk, and 1-2-1 remote assistance from a… https://t.co/Ie06qXm0QK https://t.co/K19FATMLIB