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School/Setting Visit

As part of your Leadership programme, you will carry out a one-day visit (or two half-day visits) to another school/setting.

A school/setting visit will enable you to:

Practise and enhance your ability to read, interpret and lead effectively in different contexts.
Allow time and space for reflection and a chance to develop your perspective away from day-to-day demands.
Observe the relationship between leaders’ visions for their school and how those are manifested in practice and in culture.
Create lasting collaborative partnerships to enhance your learning and practice.

What should I focus on?

The school/setting should be a contrasting setting to the one in which you currently work. Your school/setting visit needs to be shaped by an area of focus within the NPQ framework. You’ll need to determine what is most valuable to you professionally. This could be an area that you are less confident in. Or perhaps you’d like to find out how other schools/settings approach an area.

Keep in mind, a school/setting visit should not just be about finding out more or sharing practice. Ideally, it should change your practice.


How can I decide on my area of focus?

There is a 30 minute Brightspace module designed to support your choice of focus area. 


It is your responsibility to arrange your school/setting visit. If you would like guidance in supporting your setting choice and/or an introduction to facilitate a visit, please either speak with your facilitators or email